Amazon is a trusted Brand According to Nielson Research, Amazon is the most trusted brand and the number one most popular shopping destination on the web (they just passed eBay this year). Buyers know Amazon –and trust it. And, they spend more money on Amazon on average than any other shopping site.
People Buy More than One Item – the great thing about Amazon is that you don’t just earn a commission on the product that you send people to, but anything that they buy once they’re at Amazon. You earn a commission on anything a person buys within 24 hours of you sending them to Amazon. One out of every four shoppers buys more than one item per session. Commissions – Amazon uses a sliding scale of commissions that start at 4% and go as high as 15%. (Sell just 4 items per month and your commission jumps to 6%). They have a volume formula so the more items you sell per month, the higher your commission. Most months I am at the 7% level. That doesn’t sound like much but someone bought an $2100 gun-safe one month. My commission on that sale was $126.00. I know one lady who runs an Amazon affiliate website that reviews expensive sewing machines ($250 to $2,000). She gets dozens of sales per month.