Make Money With Postloop : Want to make money online easy? Check out Postloop! It is and easy way to make $5.00-$20.00 a day just for posting on forums. I know of people who actually make closer to $100.00 a day with Postloop. How much you earn depends on how much you post, your rating (will be discussed below), and how many forums you participate in through Postloop.
Postloop’s system is unique and simple. Postloop acts like a middle man or intermediary that forum owners pay to find people who would like to write for their forums. On the other hand, paid forum posters are assured to be paid because postloop acts as the middle on behalf of forum owners and posters alike.You are paid on a point system. 1 post on forum that is listed on Postloop will get you 1-2 points plus % bonus based on your ratings 1 post in one post on forum that is listed on Postloop will get you 1-2 points plus % based on your ratings(will be discussed below) 1 point = $0.050. Postloop uses paypal so withdrawing for paid forum posters or deposit for forum owners is easy. For those who want to withdraw their earnings, there is a $5 minimum cash out that is easy to get in less than a day.
Postloop also has a rating system. The rating system is from 1-5 and 5 being the highest. People who have a higher rating, are given a chance to participate in more forums that have a rating restriction And will be given a higher % bonus rate per post. For example you have a rating of 3.5 you will not get a chance to join a forum that wants 3.8 raters or higher. Ratings will be given by forum owners.
The only thing negative I can say about Postloop is that sometimes, forum owners are extremely picky about grammar. If you are a decent writer and double check your posts before submitting this shouldn’t be a problem for you. For more information