How to make money on YouTube :
There are many kinds of make money online ways at home and abroad. Among them youtube is the best option to earn money. This is the good opportunity from google. You can try to make money on youtube. Lets see how youtube can give me the opportunity to earn money.
To earn money from youtube you have to create a gmail account. Then try to sign in with gmail in youtube. After sign in create a channel in youtube. By this channel you can make money easily. In this channel you have to upload some unique video. At least 10 video try to upload. After uploading these video now try to start the earning option. Make sure that your youtube account is registered with United states of United kingdom. Bangladesh is not supported for youtube earning.
When you set the country united states in your channel setting on youtube. You have to verify your account by text to a mobile of the selected country. Then you have to enable the monetize option on youtube channel setting. When you enable the monetize option then you have to finish to complete a form of google adsense. Here you have to give perfect information about yourself. After finishing the form and submitting it to the google you will be able to earn money from youtube. Your earning will be counted by youtube view and ad clicking. After activating the account you have enable monetize option in all video individually. In this way you can make money on youtube.
Lets See The Image To Clear The Process of How to make money on youtube You have to go the profile icon and go to the YouTube setting like given below.
Here the arrow symbol indicating the youtube setting option. By clicking this you will get a page where you have to click view additional features. See the image is given below...
In additional features option you will get phone verification and country select option. In monetization option you have select enable option then you have to give country and verify yourself by mobile. Then you will be able to enable monetization option. When it will be enable then you are qualified for earning. In this way you can start earning money from youtube. In all video you have to enable the monetization option.
If you have existing adsense account then you can also link the account with existing adsense. So its the good way to more earning from google adsense with youtube. Learn more How to make money on youtube and start from today. Keep trying to earn money from youtube.
The exisiting account you can link by only one click. Its called adsense association. In same account you can associate your YouTube account with existing adsense account. In monetization setting you will get the option. After association you will go to the adsense page by clicking Adsense Setting in Monetization option like the image which is given below :
You have to link a adsense account and in this way you can earn 100-500$ every month by youtube...
Now try for earning from YouTube. Best of luck...
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