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How to create an Animatied (.gif) image in photoshop ?

 ফটোশপে কিভাবে একটি অ্যানিমেশন ( GIF ) তৈরি করবেন ?

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We've all seen (.gif) images. full meaning - "Graphic Interchange Format" An image that has multiple images or there may be many. But what would happen if you can create it by  yourself. Let's see how it can be made:

Method to create an animated (.gif) in Photoshop:

Animation gif making ScreenShot

Step-1: First open Adobe Photoshop software. Then create a transparent background.

Animation gif making ScreenShot 

Animation gif making ScreenShot

Step-2: Now keep the photo's in a folder, which you will use to create (gif) image. Open the image's in Photoshop.

Animation gif making ScreenShot 

Animation gif making ScreenShot

Step-3: Now the Transparent Background which you have created first, drop all the photos one by one into it.

Animation gif making ScreenShot

Step-4: After dropping the images select Timeline from window in  menu bar .

Animation gif making ScreenShot

Step-5: Look at the bottom you will see there a bar named "Create video timeline" Change it to "Creator frame animation".

Animation gif making ScreenShot

Step-6: From the right side of the layers select all the images and click on Creator frame animation.

Animation gif making ScreenShot

Step-7: Click on the arrow just like in the picture above and select make frames from layers.

Animation gif making ScreenShot

Step-8: there will be quite a few images in timeline and time given below each images change it 0.2 seconds and change 'once' to 'forever'.

Animation gif making ScreenShot

Animation gif making ScreenShot

Step-9: Now click on the Play button to see it change. To save files, from the menu bar select Save for Web.

Animation gif making ScreenShot

Step-10: In the next window, click the Save button. In diameter (.gif) image will be created.

Thus, you can easily  create a (GIF) image in this way.

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